Make a sustainable world
eco-friendly management


Changshin promotes an activity to minimize the environmental impact incurred throughout the
business in general and to comply with customer compliance and environmental laws by each country.
We analyze possible environmental risks to prevent in advance and use resources effectively through
process and equipment improvement. Also, we raise the rate of re-use and recycle of used resource and
practice environment-friendly management by introducing greater new renewable energy.
Waste turn
into a new
Nike recognizes the importance of socially responsible management on environmental contamination and climate change and promotes various activities to minimize environmental impact. Previously, Nike recycled waste generated in the manufacturing process and made a new product out of it. This is an innovative move to Nike's long term goal, Move to Zero. Changshin is engaged in all processes of this project; from test to production stage and aims to produce far more eco-friendly and high-quality products.
Environmental Goal 2025
25 Reduce 25% of carbon
We target low-carbon green growth and conduct various activities to raise energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption. By adopting new renewable energy, we practice eco-friendly energy management.
6 Reduce the amount of
waste by 6%
We conduct diverse activities to reduce the waste that could be produced by each stage in the entire process. Also, we try our best to minimize environmental impact by reusing and recycling the waste generated.
0 Waste landfill,
Zero-discharge of hazardous
chemicals in wastewater
Our final goal of eco-friendly management is to minimize environmental impact and eventually make it completely zero. When the waste is treated as wastewater rather than landfill or incinerate, we strictly observe Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals by national legislation and international standard to make environmental impact zero.
New renewable energy supply
system reinforcement
We recognize climate change and green-house gases reduction as a core element for the management and we expand and develop new renewable energy system installation and energy efficiency improvement activity (e.g., solar, solar heat, bio-oil, etc.) to accomplish our goal of green growth and carbon emission reduction. We aim to achieve environmental, economic, and social energy durability by establishing an energy supply system consists of environment friendly, stability, and reliability.
Waste minimizing, recycling, reusing
Changshin tries to minimize environmental impact by making the most use of recyclable/ reusable waste and minimizing waste amount generation in general. Prior to the production, we analyze the waste generation for each model and review environmental impact. During the production, we do data management, equipment maintenance and betterment, and personnel education to minimize waste generation amount and keep generated waste in our waste separation storage and manage separately for recyclable/reusable waste. For us to strictly comply with the policy against reclamation and incineration, we handle the waste through the authorized company.
Environmental hazard use,
reduce production
Changshin attempts to minimize environmental impact and recognizes the importance of preventing water contamination of the community. We installed our wastewater disposal plant and internal lab to proceed international standard of Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals test two times a year and strictly comply with the Environmental Act of materials by country. This makes prevention in advance possible for environmental hazard production.